While it is true that the Western rulers appear to have directed energy weapons and an ability to influence weather and use it as a weapon, it does not necessarily follow that they are invincible. In fact, they are increasingly being revealed to be a colossus with feet of clay, as Mao Tse Tung once said. The Donbas militias that were organized after the Kiev coup and attack were able to repel the far larger and better armed Ukrainian military. The Russian military has shown itself to be able to withstand and destroy the Ukrainian forces which are NATO trained and armed, as well as the terrorist ISIS forces and other NATO/US allies in Syria. In the Middle East the outcome is by no means clear, but organized, armed resistance has been effective to the point that Western and Israeli aggressors are utilizing force directed against entire civilian populations in such a way that the entire world of thinking, working-class people are repulsed and increasingly angry. As this struggle sharpens the most militant will suffer losses but as that happens their movement and its determination will certainly grow. The outcome is far from certain, but that there will be a great struggle is not, for if there isn’t the world’s working class will be forced into abject slavery of a most cruel variety. Workers in the US and Europe generally have a very low level of political consciousness and therefore resistance is lacking (with some exceptions such as the Yellow Vests in France) but one can anticipate this changing as the class struggle sharpens.

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Yes, the Russians have really put The Empire of Lies back on its heels. Losing this contest sets their agenda back for good. In order to remain the World’s Hegemony Russia must be brought to heel. And thank God it’s not happening.

This is extremely important to “their one world govt.” it’s also why I don’t believe The West has anything special when it comes to weaponry. At least nothing they are comfortable using without some major payback in the offing. Trust me these desperate fools would have used it by now.

I chatted this out once with some pretty smart dudes like Simplicius. I believe their fallback plan will be to cut a deal with Eurasia to stay out of the West. You know the very thing NATO was supposed to do. Our current nuclear stockpiles will provide leverage for such so I suspect Russia and China will settle on it.

Our betters will then try and do what they had planned but only to Western nations while the Global South remains untouched by them. Sort of a reverse iron curtain if you will. It will fail because this current unipolar system cannot survive in a world of competition.

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So glad you devoted a Substack posting on this, as I keep telling people that the DEW weaponry is the “elite”’s trump card. DEWs can change the atomic structure of bullets, so that makes the Second Amendment moot. (We can probably infer that DEWs can change the atomic structure of gold and silver, too.)

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