What are the Mysterious Drones being reported?
Are they of extraterrestrial or earthly origin and how can we know?
Cal from Nations Conspire uploaded a video in which he discusses this phenomenon is detail. It is well worth listening to and is entitled:
In his video, Cal mentions a number of intriguing possibilities including, that the apparent drones/orbs are 1) unidentified flying (alien) objects of extraterrestrial origin (formerly referred to as UFO’s but now renamed, unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAP’s), 2) secret government aerial vehicles equipped with microwave and other exotic directed energy technology designed to interfere with the electrical grid and even nuclear facilities, 3) field-testing of a new form of pervasive surveillance technology, 4) holographic (non-physical) atmospheric projections related to Project Bluebeam which might be used to support the idea that planet earth is being invaded by extraterrestrial beings, 5) Demonic entities attempting to terrorize humans and, probably the least likely, 6) private contractors using apparent drones for unknown and possibly illegal/immoral purposes.
One of the most important points Cal makes is that it is ludicrous to believe the US government does not know what these apparent physical objects referred to as drones are, given the known capabilities of DARPA etc. On the one hand, we are told they are not dangerous, on the other, that the government does not know what they are. It should be unnecessary to point out that if US authorities do not know what they are, they cannot know if they are dangerous or not. It apparently serves their purposes at present, to feign ignorance as to the origin/capabilities of these aerial phenomena.
Some reports have contended that these drones/orbs have been seen moving toward land, from the ocean over New Jersey. Other than for isolated reports of the crash of one drone after which 10 more allegedly appeared overhead (the veracity of which is difficult to ascertain [who allegedly has possession of the crashed drone]), there is very little evidence available (for examination) to prove the apparent drones/orbs/UAP’s are physical. Therefore, at the present time, it is unclear (to those with access to only the information contained in the public domain) whether these UAP’s are physical and if they are, whether they are manned or unmanned. In that regard, the reader is directed to a post that appeared earlier on this platform that discusses the idea that some UAP’s may not be physical:
Another related post that some readers might find interesting is:
Irrespective of exactly what these alleged drones represent, it is virtually certain that they are not in the best interest of those who are witnessing them. Given everything that has transpired over the past almost 5 years, it is highly likely that this latest development is another attempt to further degrade and attack humanity. In the future, it will be important to obtain proof of whether these entities are physical or non-physical. The current assumption is that they are physical craft of one or more nation states acting on behalf of a higher organizational power, for some undisclosed but nefarious purpose.
Cool stuff!
T-Rump wants to shoot em down!
Real “Man of Peace”!
Alien craft that can transverse the galaxy don't need to send drones when they can scan and manipulate everything from afar, and since the US even has cloaking mechanisms for planes, galaxy crossing craft do not show themselves. Even the elites are perfectly capable of monitoring us and stopping the elec grid.
Someone should try to shine laser at these things to see if the beam goes thru them.
The elites making the people scared though is a good idea- for them.