Entire Covid scam may have been run to prepare things for Universal Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
Another step toward internal (under the skin), biodigital ID
Quoted passages below are from, Biden Is Preparing An Executive Order To Implement Digital IDs To Facilitate Payments And Access Online by Jacob M Thompson:
“President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly drafting an executive order that would aid in enforcing a digital identity system, one that would drastically change how typical Americans would access their licenses and paperwork, to payments and social benefits, to the content they are able to access online and more.”
“Non-profit publication NOTUS reported in an exclusive post that they saw a draft of an executive order that ‘pushes federal and state governments to speed adoption of smartphone-based mobile driver’s license and ID options more widely, stating: ‘It is the policy of the executive branch to strongly encourage the use of digital identity documents.’ This digital ID framework would allow documents to be electronically submitted, and in tandem with biometric scans such as facial recognition and palmprints, the IDs would (allegedly) be used to cut down on fraudulent activity and identity theft."
The program ‘would also mandate federal agencies adopt a single government-run identity system, Login.gov, as a gateway to federal websites and offer that system to state and local governments for integration.’
13 states actively allow mobile driver’s licenses (mDLs) aka digital drivers licenses, but this executive order, if submitted, would then federalize these initiatives and then some.”
“The Biden administration has purportedly been working on something for some time now but has delayed moving forward with anything as of yet, NextGov reported in March. Biden hinted at it during his 2022 State of the Union Address in a bid to reduce fraud (the ostensible reason). Clare Martorana, the federal chief information officer, told Nextgov/FCW in March, ‘We continue to work in this area very rigorously across government. This is top of mind for all of us. We want to make sure that we accelerate people’s use of digital [to access government], but safely, securely.’”
SEE: Biden Signs G20 Pact Promising To ‘Build On Success’ Of Vaccine Passports
“Apparently the 2022 executive order has already been written-up, but the administration was not sure when to roll it out. NOTUS said: ‘One person obtained what they said was the final text of the order from a federal agency this week and provided it to NOTUS. A second person confirmed that many of the provisions matched a summary that had circulated among stakeholders within recent months and that the draft provided to NOTUS incorporated some changes sought by agencies and industry.’”
“In November 2020, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) proposed a new rule that would dramatically expand the use of facial recognition surveillance at the border….The CBP posted a notice announcing their intention to collect the faceprint of nearly every single non-U.S. citizen who enters or exits the United States. The rule also applies to children. This faceprint will then be stored on a government database for up to 75 years. This data could then be used by the Department of Homeland Security, foreign governments, and federal, state, and local law enforcement to identify individuals for a variety of purposes…This 2020 effort was a continuation of policies set forth by the CBP under the Trump administration.”
Biden himself continued on Trump’s surveillance state path as part of his own immigration plan…
“Whether it’s Trump or Harris, you are getting a digital ID.”
“The digital ID is needed to facilitate CBDCs and tokenization…Professor Richard Werner, the man who introduced the economic philosophy of ‘Quantitative Easing’ (QE1 and QE2), said is the objective of digital IDs.
There is an argument to be made, and that is the entire Covid scam may have been run in order just to prepare things for the CBDCs and the real goal, or the big prize to them, [are] the CBDCs.
There is one step before then: they need digital IDs.
Werner explained, referencing the vaccine passports that did not make sense, he said, and how that framework is now being used as the basis for the new digital IDs and global health passports; for which they and the CBDCs will be interlinked, he said.”
“In the days following NOTUS’ article, the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) subsidiary division, the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), partnered with 15 large financial and state institutions, including some tech firms, to research and develop a method of fusing mDLs with financial services.
The groups include:
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)
California Department of Motor Vehicles
TBD (Block, Inc.)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology Directorate
JP Morgan Chase
Maryland Department of Transportation
MATTR Limited
Microsoft Corporation
New York State Department of Motor Vehicle
OpenID Foundation
US Bank
Wells Fargo
NIST said in a press release: ‘Collaborators will work with the NCCoE to accelerate the adoption of digital identity standards and best practices by producing reference architectures, representative workflows, and implementation guides to address real-world cybersecurity, privacy, and usability challenges faced by adoption of mDL in the financial sector.’”
Here are a number of article links from Jacob Thompson on the Orwellian use of digital ID’s:
Events are beginning to transpire very rapidly now. All people of good will must carefully consider what they will do when confronted with the choice of submitting to what will become an under the skin (internal) biodigital ID (Mark of the Beast) or be prevented from engaging in any financial activities. Unfortunately, this will include being unable to pay property taxes which would likely result in eviction and homelessness. Also see: Digital ID/CBDC/Social Credit Score is a Massive Human Enslavement Program and Global Digital Marking System Coming Soon to United States of America: Biden Admin Working on Draft Executive Order.
“And it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”, (Revelation 13:16-17).
We are always promised more safety when the government wants to take away our freedoms. Facial recognition and fingerprint/palm recognition will keep us safe. A digital border wall will keep us safe and fix the border crisis (this will be used to lessen the pushback from Trump supporters).
The problem is, none of these "solutions" will work when the government is corrupt and run by people (or controlled ostensibly by people) who want total control. Technological solutions do not solve corruption. That must be rooted out before we fix anything.
I live in California and recently the DMV has been removing services from their offices. They are pushing people to use the internet more and more.