I am in no doubt that the roll out of 5G caused the symptoms attributed to Covid19. I have collected a significant archive to support the hypothesis here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19

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Thank you very much.

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Massey is Making a Messy of the discussion. Your input helps.

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Where may I look to see what she has to say about it?

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The comment section of the Mamma of all Enchilada post

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I get the impression that controlling our narratives is important to her. Does her remuneration depend upon it, one wonders.....

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Expose doors one and 2, keep door shut fully, aka, "eyes wide shut".

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Back before covid hit in China within weeks of COVID I watched a bunch of them leaked videos from China of people just dropping Dead walking around falling over dead doing that weird spin thing and then dying they were burning 60,000 people a day in them crematoria places that was when they turned on the 5G for the first time and then shortly after that within weeks they released a virus to cover up the deaths.. 5G radiation poisoning and Corona have the exact same symptoms... https://www.insideedition.com/why-did-21-million-phone-numbers-disappear-from-china-after-coronavirus-outbreak-59030

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I saw those videos too.....

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Great start on elucidating 5G warfare against the people!

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YES… the entire thing, all symptoms, was a hoax created by frequency modulation.

Long covid is in fact caused by the frequencies from the towers… some people are more sensitive than others.

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Follow the 5G rollout maps that coincide perfectly were outbreaks began

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There was a study done it was a YouTube video about the people doing the 5G testing in the cellular radiation testing they got deep into it and found that the people that owned the testing companies we're owned by the cell phone companies so there's that problem too but I couldn't find it anyway 5G is the blood of the nanotechnology 7g and beyond... Thanks

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Watched a video about Chernobyl. Main take away was that acute radiation exposure causes a drop in the immune system function, causing all kinds of illness and cancer to spike. Idk if it’s relevant but seems odd. You would think, then, that the disease wouldn’t be so rampant in places without the 5g. Like south Eastern Asia, rural counties etc.

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There is a difference between ionizing radiation (radiation with enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from the orbit of an atom, causing that atom to become charged or ionized ... it can litteraly knock electrons out of atoms) and non-ionizing radiation. A nuclear fallout releases ionizing radiation, while eletromagnetic frequencies emitted by wifi routers, 4G and 5G cell towers are non-ionizing radiation. Even low doses of ionizing radiation have adverse effects on the immune system.

They always say that non-ionizing radiation is safe for humans, and that's a lie. The real effects of non-ionizing radiation are revealed by seeing what electrosensitive people experience when they're exposed to synthetic EMF ...

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Are you an expert or are you regurgitating what you’ve been allowed to read?

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Thank you for this great comparison.

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All “covid” symptoms are identical to radiation sickness/poisoning. Even loss of taste and smell and tinnitus. The early strands were named after frequencies

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