Aka, your spot on about the staggering increase of deaths from shots, but there was also 529K xs deaths in the US in 2020 that did not fit with a virus nor only medical interventions because of the surge in deaths in circumscribed places and with a precipitous fall-off.


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The initial fake “discovery” of monkey pox that has not found any virus, only cell fragments in a toxic mixed cell culture with no purified isolate, no pathogen confirmed, and no blind control. HERE: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1699-0463.1959.tb00328.x

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An evaluation of psychological and social predictors of monkeypox fake news attitudes in Italy has been presented in the current study. Some significant factors included epistemic trust and mistrust, monkeypox knowledge, number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered, agreement with no-vax positions, religiousness, and negative attitudes toward gay men. These factors, together with the others that emerged from the study, may be central to directing health strategies in the prevention and psychological support field. This data can help to inform practitioners and policymakers in their efforts to manage the western monkeypox outbreak. In addition, specific profiles of people who may be more at risk of believing monkeypox to be a hoax or conspiracy (e.g., older age, heterosexual sexual orientation, political conservativism, and religiousness) have been identified. Knowing these characteristics may be useful in improving the effectiveness of health communication, designing targeted education, and supporting such individuals to engage in healthier behaviors.''

Interesting indeed.

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It has been alleged said that the "Monkey Pox" thingy is being used as aircover in the DRC-Rwanda conflict to hide the deaths of thousands in the conflict. Another possible genocide. The UN is of course involved in the conflict.

Félix Tshisekedi, has accused Rwanda being involved and its forces have been given an acronym called M23 to attack DRC's mining operations in North Kivu.

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I don't like to read and don't have time, I need to multitask and really wish this had the black 'play' arrow up top so the AI would read it to me. All I could do was skim through, just reading the bold print headers.

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