Its good you analyze this, let me add:

How can Mike get to speak to this Parliament but most persons cannot? He has to be accepted by, and probably be part of the Cabal.

“There won't be pandemics… They're immunologically impossible.”

☞ This suggest that the immune system is fighting off germs that’s why pandemics are impossible.

“gene-based vaccines was to inject you with a genetic sequence for something called spike protein”.

☞ He is suggesting there is a germ with a genetic seq and spike, even if subtly. These ARE NOT GENETIC seqs, they are fictitious alphabets. Even CDC on Foia says they have no doc on spike in shots.

“If you inject a person with a genetic sequence that instructs your body to become a factory for some protein that doesn't belong in you, your immune system will detect that and it will attack every cell that's done that instruction and kill it.”

☞ More of the same propaganda.

“but proteins like the one they claim was encoded in these gene-based materials are known to be toxic”

☞ Repeating more of the same propaganda.

“The two things they came up with, pandemics of infectious diseases, which I know as an immunologist are not possible and have never happened. The other thing they said to account for or plan for were climate change crises…s all of this nonsense about carbon dioxide, global boiling, net zero.

☞Explanation lacking, falling on blank faces or members of the Cabal anyway. Climate is a diversion. Why doesn't he clearly say 5G caused illness in 2020? There are even papers on it with near proof, certainly more proof than of a virus.

“factories to make mRNA-based materials are being thrown up, billions of doses are being made”

☞ More suggesting that mRNA exists in shots.

So, why does he repeat these fictitious statements, just plainly say:

No Sars virus has been found, no particle isolated, EM photos are dead shadows with similar looking shadows found even without patient fluid. Thus there are no variants, no false postives, no ADE, no spike, no mRNA period. It’s all fake.

Any questions?

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Have you watched this video: https://substack.com/home/post/p-151502416?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web. ? Did you see that Scoglio died recently? I don’t know the circumstances, but it was convenient timing. He debunks the graphene theory in this video and was curious what you thought about that. He also was very critical of the whole theory of nanoparticle reassembly. A very interesting guy. He did a lot of work to discredit the PCR test as well. I’m not really familiar with all the work he was doing as he just recently came to my attention.

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Take "died" with a grain of salt when these very high level persons disappear.

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