John has bravely merged the "alive or not" issue with the purported finding of viruses making good logic why viruses cannot really exist based on the necessity of viruses to replicate to function. Well we know many parts of the virus story don't work logically and this is a good addition. How can viruses survive being aerosoled in micro droplets of patients' fluids but they cannot be found in fluids taken from a patient? Welcome to virus clown-world.

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Alive or not.

Morgellon fibers are made of matter that should not be able to "be alive". So it would seem that somehow, "some things" must have changed, this new-coming matter structure now can access the frequency of seeming to be ALIVE.

Maybe in case of nano synthetic garbage it is better to say ANIMATED than ALIVE.

Hm, "being alive" should maybe be reserved exclusively for biological/natural systems. This would sure put all the transvestites into a queer position ...

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Great word choice Sirius, yes ANIMATED!

Viruses, wars, elections, money, they are all ANIMATIONS!

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Hah! Should we announce a new noun (with an esoteric addon/prefix):

imanimachinated.. (im-ani-machination) .. =

an (imaginary) object that is in the act of machinating, or of contriving a scheme for executing some purpose, particularly a forbidden or an evil purpose; underhand plotting or contrivance.

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Very good! So animation fits with imanimachination and animated with imanimachinated. Just animachinated could also be a word, fits well with Trump or Biden, or Harris, or Pelosi, and on and on...

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"Just animachinated could also be a word"

Yes, it is - the "im" could be designeated as an esoteric prefix; to be used when the said ani-machinated object that is playing a role in some act of evil machination is imaginary ;) Or maybe better to announce two new nouns..lolz

All these damn scumbags in politics are chosen for their psychopathic narcissistic characteristics - and "it shows" in many ways!

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Interesting article, but referencing things like DNA, RNA and ribosomes highlights a more fundamental issue you did not address in this article: there is no proof that DNA actually consists of a double helix. Even the "discoverers" of DNA in their research talk about it being a dogma, which by definition is something that is not proven. See https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2021/12/15/dna-discovery-extraction-and-structure-a-critical-review/ to make you think.

Also, have you ever seen a "ribosome"? Hillman has very interesting research on this topic, see https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2024/02/14/why-you-should-know-about-harold-hillmans-work-on-the-living-cell/ on this.

"Shedding" has never been proven.

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Why would there be so many holes in something that Rockefeller helped create for the good of humanity? Hm hm hm...

That demonic monkey's work should be ripped apart and buried deep. Keep it up!

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Good article. You answer your own question. No proof of the flying viruses exist. As you wrote, they are non living. They obviously cannot live outside a host.

Thousands of FOIs exist asking for purified and isolated examples. For example, not a single health or govt agency can show you evidence for the bovine orthopox virus which allegedly spread to humans becoming the variola virus. Smallpox has nothing to do with cows or magic nanometer sized dead genomic strands. The same is true of all other purported flying viruses.

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Not only is there no proof of flying viruses, there is no proof of viruses existing in general.

Have you seen https://www.terraintheory.net/blogs/podcast/episode-126-jamie-andrews-on-ending-virology-control-studies-and-the-peoples-science?

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Thanks for the link. Bechamp was right, pleomorphic bacteria + toxins +/or changes in the environment will cause disease. You 'catch' a cold due to the changes in temp, barometric pressure etc. Flying germs on their magic carpets don't exist. Viruses at best might be bacterium waste or toxified bacteria.

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